Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 5 at the Fair

I was too tired to write last night so I'll try to get everything in this morning. Yesterday--day 5--was a successful day overall. Like the other days, it was pretty slow in the morning and afternoon, but the traffic picked up in the evening.

Tony and I worked the morning and afternoon shifts. Kate and Dawn (and Alexis!) joined me for the evening. We had many friends, once again, stop by and keep us company, including Keith, Kim, Sue, Therese, Meredith, Nicole, and Adam. These visits from friends make all the difference (and they also make the time go by a lot faster!). Thanks to everyone who stopped by for their support and companionship.

We gathered 16 more FIRED cards, in addition to 12 that Dawn brought in from work. We also gathered 7 more e-mail addresses to add to our e-mail list.

Here are some tidbits from the visitors to our booth throughout the day:

"We [a lesbian couple and daughter] just moved from Knox County to Licking County. It's much better there."

"Thank you very much."

"This candy is gay." (young teen)

"We need this. My daughter really needs this."

"How do I sign up? I'm bi."

"F*** gay people." (teenage boy)

"I'm a single mom in Knox County so I understand discrimination." When speaking about gay marriage, the woman continued, "If you're lucky enough to find someone to love, then who cares [if you are the same gender]?!"

"This is so f***ing awesome that you are here. Thank you for being here." (Guess we had our fair share of explicatives today!)

And we had a few, now typical, reactions when we asked people if they knew it was legal to fire someone for being GLBT:


"Yeah, that is wrong!"

Right when we were closing up for the night, we had several visitors, including two teenage girls. One of them said, "We're best friends and going to get married someday." She then looked at Kate and me with curiosity and asked, "Do you two live in Mt. Vernon." We said, "yes."
"Do you live together?"
"Yes. . . . We're partners."
The girl smiled and just kept looking at us. She finally said, "that's cute."
"Yes, we like to think so."

We are hoping for another good day at the fair today.

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